Thursday, April 19, 2012

Well, today was the final weigh-in for my school's Biggest Loser challenge. I lost 36.9 pounds during the competition. The competition is between all 3 junior high schools in town. For many weeks now I have been consistently been 4th in the competition. I won't know if I broke into 3rd until Sunday when we have our big celebration.
Since last summer, I have lost 55 pounds. Thank you to everyone for the kind words, interest, encouragement, and support you have given me. There are 2 more weigh-ins for the Girls Getting Fit competition I am also in with some friends on the internet. When all is said and done, there will be some food that needs to get eaten by me. :)


Amy said...

Rach, that is amazing!! So proud of you!

Erica said...

Yay Rachel!